Learn with aviation experts

At the end of 2022, Lufthansa's long-established commercial pilot school, one of the world's leading training centers for airline pilots located in Bremen, closed its doors after 66 successful years. A team of five experienced and highly specialized instructors from its collegium teamed up to make their know-how available to a broader clientele under a new organization. We are the Aviation Training Experts - operating under the name AVTREX.

Together we have more than 150 years of experience in development of theoretical training programs and instruction of prospective commercial airline pilots from a wide range of airlines and nations.

Bring the Best of Aviation to benefit your Business!

Since the 1990s, we have been teaching Lufthansa pilots at the Commercial Pilot School in Bremen. We have been preparing them for their future jobs in the cockpit and thus in a "high-risk" work environment. After various internal examinations, at the end of their training, they had to take the official examination at National Aviation Authority or EASA to obtain an ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot License).

However, not only future pilots of the Lufthansa Group were trained by us, but also pilots for the Air Force of the German Armed Forces, Iberia (Spain), Eva Air (Taiwan), Luxair (Luxembourg), Air Malta (Malta), Turkish Airlines (Turkey), All Nippon Airways (Japan), Royal Brunei (Brunei), Austrian Airlines (Austria), and many other international customers.

We have taught our student pilots the basics of navigations, radio navigation, flight planning, avionics, meteorology, human performance and limitations (HPL) and more with heart and soul. In doing so, the testing and the use of the most modern learning and teaching methods accompanied our work. For example, as early as 1994, we already developed a complete online learning environment within a European project for the training to get the private pilot license (PPL).

Our work in an international environment placed high demands on our social as well as intercultural competence, which we have continuously developed further.

Our range of activities and expertise is not limited to pilot training. For example, we trained flight dispatchers as well as developing and conducting advanced training seminars for active pilots. Further, we have been responsible for developing and implementing training for astronauts and ground support personal for the European Space Agency (ESA).

With the conception and implementation of Crew Resource Management (CRM) trainings for ship´s command personnel, we successfully transferred our expertise from ab initio and advanced pilot training to another highly dynamic working environment. In this context, we also trained employees of our customer as company-internal CRM instructors (train-the-trainer program).

Our portfolio includes and continues to include work as lecturers at schools, as well as various universities and colleges (i.e. Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Wilhelmshaven University of Applied Sciences, University of Hamburg, Arizona State University).

In short:

A broad spectrum of exceptional qualifications and skills is at your disposal.

Training Experts


Birgit Bubelach

Teaching people knowledge and skills has always excited me. So even as a teenager, I not only wanted to play basketball in a team but acquired a trainer's license.

After completing my university studies in meteorology, I was able to continue this "affair of the heart" with my teaching activities at the commercial pilot school, but also at universities. I have taught several thousand hours in meteorology - physics and chemistry of the atmosphere for student pilots of different airlines and different nationalities. My strength lies in the reduction of complex facts to a broadly understandable level.

My strong belief is that you have to enjoy learning yourself to be a good communicator of knowledge and this is what I do. Further, I have seen the strong benefit in transferring my knowledge and experience to other fields. Thus, my current focus is on designing and implementing training programs in cooperation with the respective domain experts, preferably in an international environment. For example, I pursue this path, on behalf of the European Space Agency in their astronaut training program.

Bringing together the most diverse people and inspiring them to work together on a common goal - that is my core competence.

Graduate in meteorology (Master equivalent) at the Christian Albrecht University in Kiel.

Since 1990, permanent position at the Commercial Pilot School of Lufthansa Aviation Training as instructor for meteorology and team leader in Bremen and Phoenix (Arizona).

Key Account Manager responsible for pilot training of the German Armed Forces as well as All Nippon Airways

Since 2000 Program Manager and since 2018 additionally Speaker of the company consortium responsible for the training of astronauts on the European components of the International Space Station ISS on behalf of the European Space Agency ESA

Consultant for Sustainability @ Pilot Schools in Lufthansa Aviation Training Group


Matthias Lück

Lernen und Lehren macht mir einfach Spaß.

Das hat mir nicht nur als Lehrer an der Bremer Verkehrsfliegerschule der Lufthansa Freude gemacht, sondern auch beim Unterrichten an verschiedenen Hochschulen und Universitäten. Dabei reicht das Spektrum von Vorlesungen über CRM-Seminare – auch für Schiffsführungen – und Unterricht bis zum Training für PPL-Schüler in Vereinen.

Dabei ist es natürlich immer die Zusammenarbeit mit Menschen, auch aus den verschiedenen Kulturkreisen, die mich so sehr motiviert.

Ich liebe die Herausforderung, komplexe Sachverhalte so gut zu verstehen, dass ich sie einfach erklären kann, ohne den Sinn zu verfälschen.
persönlicher Slogan

Abgeschlossenes Studium der Nautik an der Hochschule Bremen als Diplom-Nautiker / Diplom Wirtschaftsingenieur für Seeverkehr.

Sailing time as officer on container ships worldwide.

Von 1989 bis 2022 in Festanstellung als Referent für Navigation an der Verkehrsfliegerschule der Deutschen Lufthansa in Bremen und Phoenix (Arizona) tätig. In Arizona Erwerb der Lizenzen CPL/IR (FAA).

Co-facilitator at various CRM seminars in the field of shipping.

Kapitänleutnant der Reserve.

Tätigkeit als Lehrbeauftragter an der Arizona State University, der Hochschule Wilhelmshaven sowie der Hochschule Bremen in verschiedenen Fachbereichen.


Alexander von Perger

After sailing periods as a nautical officer aboard merchant ships, I was allowed for more than 30 years not only to teach young adults, prospective commercial pilots of Lufthansa and international airlines, navigation, but to help them understand it.

Teaching, training development, planning and training responsibility, project development and management, most recently as Chief Theoretical Knowledge Instructor of the former commercial pilot school of Deutsche Lufthansa, but also at the European Space Agency and in the field of CRM training for shipping companies have shaped my professional life.

Completed studies in nautical science at the Elsfleth University of Applied Sciences as Diplom-Nautiker / Diplom Wirtschaftsingenieur für Seeverkehr.

Sailing time as officer on container ships worldwide.

From 1989 to 2022 in permanent employment as an instructor for navigation at the commercial pilot school of Deutsche Lufthansa in Bremen and Phoenix (Arizona). Active as chief theory instructor (CTKI).

Co-facilitator at various CRM seminars in the field of shipping.


Dominic Cardozo

I am a researcher, a university teacher, and a clinician. As an experienced human scientist, I act fluidly between the fields of psychology, medicine, sports science, and sociology. My twenty plus years in pilot training prove High Reliability Systems to be my areas of competence and interest: aerospace, maritime, medical, and military, as well as schools, event management, and competitive sports.

As one of less than 90 certified aviation psychologists in the world, I am particularly interested in whether and how Human Factors are practiced in other fields of work and in other cultures, and how people in different cultures can be empowered to develop personally and act safely through teaching and applying Human Factors. I therefore like to embed myself into these cultures where I love to work and coach in situ. My focus is on the cultures of Japan, Austronesia, India, Arabia and North America.

As an academic teacher, I am a confidant, a facilitator and an enabler in the sense of the Socratic concept. As a human being, I see myself as an ever-learning explorer, a curious wanderer, a respectful flaneur through the cultures, lifestyles, perspectives and philosophies of this wonderful world.

Having studied psychology, human medicine, sports science and sociology at the universities of Hamburg, Kiel and Braunschweig, I graduated as Diplom-Psychologe with a focus on clinical psychology.

From 2001 until the end of 2022 I was employed as a lecturer for human factors and clinical aerospace psychologist at the Lufthansa Pilot School. Since 2002 I have been teaching and researching as faculty member of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department for Nautical Science, at Bremen University of Applied Sciences, I have been working as a clinical psychologist and coach in my own private practice in Hamburg since 2023.

Postgraduate training and certifications as Certified Aviation Psychologist (EAAP), Psychological Practitioner, Emergency Psychologist (BDP), Coach (BDP), School Psychologist (BDP), CRM & TEM Instructor (IATA) and Instructor for Relaxation Techniques (BDP).

I am a full member of the European Association for Aviation Psychology (EAAP), the German Society for Aviation & Space Medicine (DGLRM), the German Society for Maritime Medicine (DGMM), the Association of Psychological Psychotherapists (VPP) and the sections Industrial & Organisational Psychology, School Psychology and Emergency Psychology within the Professional Association of German Psychologists (BDP).


Reiner Brauwer

Learning and teaching is my passion. Always discovering new things and helping others to absorb knowledge with enthusiasm and overcome hurdles are my strengths.

They include well-developed and trained social skills as well as in-depth expertise in the natural sciences (STEM). Having started from scratch with an apprenticeship as a radio electronics technician and then mastered the further path to a master's degree, I know the difficulties of learning as well as the most diverse types of learners.

With more than 15,000 hours of teaching experience in over 30 years at Lufthansa commercial pilot school in Bremen, coupled with teaching experience at general schools and universities, I am passionate about helping learners.

(It is no shame not to know, but it is a shame not to learn)

My industrial apprenticeship as a radio electronics technician and a short work phase were followed by studies in communications engineering at Bremen University of Applied Sciences.

From 1989 to 2022 in a permanent position as an instructor for avionics, instruments, electrical engineering, navigation and flight planning at the commercial pilot school of Deutsche Lufthansa. Team leader of two technical groups. Subject Matter Expert for technical topics in various, also international teams.

From 2006 to 2009 part-time studies for Master in Business Administration at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences.

Lecturer at Arizona State University, Wilhelmshaven University of Applied Sciences and Bremen University of Applied Sciences.
